
ul. Bernardyńska 14a20-950 Lublin tel. +41 81 532 08 53fax +48 81 531 77 ...

The Association's main aim is to spreading the love for fine arts among the society, and popularizing culture in Lublin. Right next to the Grodzka Gate at the Old Town the exhibitions of the Association's members and invited artists are being organized. The exhibitions are mostly devoted to paintings, sculptures, art installations, photography, and tapestry. Some of the exhibition openings are accompanied with concerts. ul. Grodzka 34/3620-112 Lublin tel. +48 81 532 28 ...

ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 6220-076 Lublin+48 81 53 268 ...

ul. Peowiaków 1220-007 Lublin tel. 502 174 ...

ul. Grodzka 1920-112 Lublin+48 602 300 ...

Functions within Culture Centre in Lublin. Its creators try to present contemporary art with new forms. "Biała" runs its own archive documenting past exhibitions, publications about art, artistic magazines, movies; it also publishes catalogues. The Gallery has housed about 400 exhibitions and meetings, as well as a number of projects, such us, Young Art Forum, New Art Spaces of the 90's, Art Playground. ul. Peowiaków 1220-016 Lublin tel. +48 81 466 61 ...

The European Centre for Theatre Practices "Gardzienice" was founded by the end of 1970's. "Gardzienice" Gallery has functioned by the Centre for over 20 years. The main exhibition space are the cellars at Grodzka 5a street. It's worth to have a look during a stroll through the Old Town. What's more, in the palace and park complex in Gardzienice theatre plays and multimedia exhibitions take place.ul. Grodzka 5a20-112 Lublintel. +48 81 532 98 40tel. +48 81 534 64 ...

The name of the gallery refers to spaces increasing alertness, where one keeps discovering new things with each step and where senses sharpen. An important element of the gallery's activity is performance art - every year the gallery organizes a Performance Platform Lublin festival and prepares publications about this area of art.Galeria Labiryntul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 520-052 Lublin Galeria Labirynt 2 (Lublin, ul. Grodzka 3)Galeria Labirynt | Plaza (Lublin, ul. Lipowa 13 / entrance from Ofiar Katynia street)tel. +48 81 466 59 ...

The history of the Lublin Photography Association reaches 1930s. One of its first members was Edward Hartwig - one of the most renowned Polish photographers in the world. Currently the photography exhibitions organized by the Association can be seen at the Parys Palace at Przechodnia 4 street (II floor). Galeria LTFPałac Parysów,ul. Przechodnia 4 Lubelskie Towarzystwo Fotograficzne im. Edwarda Hartwigaul. Dolna Panny Marii 320-010 ...

Overseen by the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures, the only open-air gallery in Lublin. Through its form it's supposed to encourage the citizens to a more active participation in cultural life. The Gallery has functioned since 2014. It's curator and the initator of the exhibitions is professor Leszek Mądzik, theatre director, stage designer, the creator of the Gallery of Artistic Stage of KUL. We invite you for a walk along the fence of the Saxon Garden. al. Racławickie - Saxon Garden Centre for the Meeting of CulturesPlac Teatralny 120-029 Lublin +48 81 441 56 ...