
We enter the New Year with enthusiasm, joy, and a lot of positive energy. It's January! Open your still empty calendars and start taking notes. As every year, book the 6 of January for the colorful Three Wise Men Procession. Play something at the Card and Board Games Festival "Board Mania". And last but not least, admire the participants of the international equestrian competition "Cavaliada". Check what else awaits you in Lublin and let's roll with 2020!

Christmas Festival
6 December 2019 - 12 January 2020

Christmas Lublin in full swing. Unforgettable atmosphere of the city is guaranteed by the enchanting illuminations. The program of the festival will be full of interesting events, workshops, concerts, and contests.

Learn more at swieta.lublin.eu

Hommage a Blues Brothers | New Year's concert
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
1 January 2020

Flamboyant charm and captivating hits - that means a unique New Year's Concert at the Centre for the Meeting of Culures in Lublin. On the stage, among others, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Piotr Miecznikowski and Jolanta Szczepaniak-Przybylińska.

Learn more at facebook.com

Tango my love | New Year's concert
Lublin Philharmonic
1 January 2020

Let's greet the New Year in the rhythm of tango.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Agnieszka Wójtowicz - Collisions | exhibition
1 – 5 January 2020

Fifteen years of Agnieszka Wójtowicz's artistic work. In a winery and restaurant "Manifest Wino" a cycle of fourteen square paintings will be presented.

Learn more at zpap-lublin.pl

Grand Press Photo 2019 | exhibition
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
1 – 6 January 2020

The best photos from the prestigeous contest Grand Press Photo 2019 and final photos from the Young Poland contest presented in the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Printon | exhibition
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
1 – 7 January 2020

Second edition of an international exhibition devoted to graphic design.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Icon without boundaries | exhibition
Gardzienice Gallery
1 – 10 January 2020

Captivating icons in the Gardzienice Gallery.

Learn more at facebook.com

Madonnas of the world. The visages of the Mother in Teresa Szczuka's pastel paintings. | exhibition
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego

1 – 11 January 2020

Our Lady presented in Teresa Szczuka's paintings.

Learn more at wbp.lublin.pl

Tadeusz Żaczek | exhibition
Saxon Gallery

1 – 13 January 2020

Tadeusz Żaczek's photography exhibition in the outdoor Saxon Gallery. In his works, the author presents customs and traditions of the orthodox society of the eastern borderlands, discovering the unique atmosphere of the photographed places.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Daily life in art | exhibition
Labyrinth Gallery
1 – 19 January 2020

"Daily life in art" exhibition will be available in the Labirynth Gallery (the branch in the Plaza shopping mall). The exhibition consists of collection of contemporary art of Lublin Association of Zachęta Fine Arts. 

Learn more at facebook.pl

Merry Christmas | exhibition
Library of the Catholic University of Lublin
1 – 31 January 2020

An exhibition of postcards and books in English language, devoted to the theme of Christmas, will be available in the Library of the Catholic University of Lublin until the 2 of February.

Learn more at facebook.com

Singing babies | Christmas Charity Concert
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
2 January 2020

The youngest performers accompanied by the greatest names of the Polish music stage. A charming concert of the children of the Municipal Nursery Complex and stars such as Piotr Cugowski, Majka Jeżowska, Natalia Wilk, Mafia band.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Bike rally with the Radio Lublin
4 January 2020

Let's hop on the bikes and admire the beauty of the nearest area.

Learn more at radio.lublin.pl

Christmas carols of the world | concert
Dominican Church
4 January 2020

Christmas carols and Holiday songs in the beautiful interiors of the Dominican Church in Lublin.

Learn more at kupbilecik.pl

Christmas carols concert
Holy Family Church in the Czuby district

5 January 2020

Wanda Kaniorowa's Lublin Folk Dance Ensemble will perform in the Czuby church.

Learn more at facebook.com

Gwiazdo świeć, kolędo leć | concert
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
5 January 2020

Unique atmosphere of Christmas in the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures. Alicja Majewska, Olga Bończyk, Łukasz Zagrobelny, and Włodzimierz Korcz will perform.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Lublin Operetta and Musical New Year's Gala
Lublin Philharmonic
5 January 2020

Take the musical trail through the most beautiful corners of the world with the Odessa National Opera and Ballet Theater. In the repertoire we will find Gypsy, Spanish, Czech, Italian and Hungarian music, and composers like Verdi or Strauss.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Three Wise Men's procession
6 January 2020

Colourful and joyous Three Wise Men's procession will walk through the streets of Lublin once again. Let's follow the leads of Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar.

Learn more at lublin.orszak.org

Quietly in the middle of the night | family concert
Lublin Philharmonic
6 January 2020

Holiday musical show by the Wanda Kaniorowa's Lublin Folk Dance Ensemble.

Learn more at facebook.com

Sputnik over Poland - Replica of the Russian Film Festival
7 - 29 January 2020
Chatka Żaka Culture Centre

A true feast for the fans of Russian cinematography, who will have yet another opportunity to watch the best of the movies taking part in the "Sputnik over Poland" in the Chatka Żaka culture centre.

Learn more at: www.sputnikfestiwal.pl

Jarosław Koziara – Posters and covers | exhibition vernissage
House of Words - Printing Chamber
10 January 2020

House of Words invites to an exhibition of works by Jarosław Koziara, one of  the top creators of the Lublin artistic scene.

Learn more at teatrnn.pl

Stage under Construction | Kordian
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
10 January 2020

The fourth edition of the Festival of Set and Costume Desigh "Stage under Construction" ahead. In the program we will find interesting exhibitions, workshops, meetings, and spectacles.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Carnaval in the rhythm of bolero | concert
Lublin Philharmonic
10 January 2020

Polish, Italian, and Spanish rhythms. It's time for the carnaval!

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

X National Review of Christmas Carolers and Caroling Groups
LSM Culture Centre
10 – 12 January 2020

It's Christmas carolling time.

Learn more at domkulturylsm.pl

Grand Prix Lublin CITY TRAIL with Nationale-Nederlanden
11 January 2020

Ready, steady, go! It's another Grand Prix Lublin CITY TRAIL run.

Learn more at citytrail.pl

"Grease" Musical
Lublin Philharmonic
11 January 2020

Famous "Grease" Musical in the Lublin Philharmonic. Let's hear "Summer nights" on this January evening.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Kortez | concert
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
11 January 2020

Do you eagerly await Kortez's new album? You've gotta wait untill Spring. Although, the singer had revealed some mystery and you can hear some of the new songs from the upcoming album. Where? In the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures on the 11 of January.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

In the Land of the Snow Queen | Winter break in the Philharmonic
Lublin Philharmonic
11 – 24 January 2020

Lublin Philharmonic invites the youngest ones for an exciting winter break.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Boardmania #7 | Card and Board Games Festival
11 – 26 January 2020

Good news for the enthusiasts of card and board games. In the second hald of January starts the 7th edition of the BOARD MANIA Festival. It will surely be a lucky one.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Winter in the city
13 – 26 January 2020

Winter in the city is a proposition for interesting, active winter break in Lublin. This year's edition will take place between 13 and 26 of January. There will be some well-known propositions and something completely new. No chance for boredom!

Learn more at lublin.eu

Winter break in the Old Theatre
The Old Theatre
13 – 26 January 2020

The Old Theatre invites for some thetre workshops that will be concluded with a post-workshop play "A day of total failure - what happened on the 25 of January".

Learn more at teatrstary.eu

Others | exhibition 
Galeria Gardzienice
16 January – 13 February 2020

Paintings of Magdalena Szyszkowska in the Gardzienice Gallery.

Learn more at facebook.com

Orchester 1756 Salzburg | concert
Lublin Philharmonic
16 January 2020

Music straight from the XVII and XVIII century in the Lublin Philharmonic.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Christmas Caroling | TGD + Kuba Badach concert
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
18 January 2020

In the whole wide world we celebrate this special time of Christmas. Let's hear the holiday melodies from places close and far away.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Pawbeats Orchestra | concert
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
19 January 2020

Singers, rapers, and a string orchestra on one stage. That's a must-see and must-hear!

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Swan Lake | ballet
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
24 January 2020

Captivating "Swan Lake" performed by the Russian National Ballet.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Great Strauss Gala
Lublin Philharmonic
25 January 2020

Lublin Philhaarmonic invites to a musical trip to Vienna - the capital of the operetta, elegance, glamour, and charm.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Accantus Live 2.0
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
25 January 2020

A concert in a broadway climate. There will be something of the film and the musical.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Symphonic Queen | concert
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
26 January 2020

The fans of the British band Queen will surely be interested to hear about the "Symphonic Queen" concert. It will be a blast!

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

Lublin Flea Market
26 January 2020

As every month the Lublin Old Town will be full of stalls where one will be able to buy old furniture, art, and trinkets.

Learn more at facebook.com

Under the roofs of Paris | concert
Lublin Philharmonic
28 January 2020

How does Paris taste like? The answer is simple. Crispy croissants and aromatic coffee. But how does Paris sound like? You will find out at a Paris-like concert of the Grand Orchestra of Odessa.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Pantasmagorias | exhibition vernissage
OKNA Gallery
30 January 2020

The work of Andrzej M. Krawczyk in the OKNA Gallery of the Municipal Public Library.

Learn more at mbp.lublin.pl

Cavaliada Lublin
30 January – 2 February 2020

During the four days of the CAVALIADA Tour one will be able to admire beautiful horses and talented riders.

Learn more at cavaliada.pl

Musical hits | concert
Lublin Philharmonic
31 January 2020

"Somewhere over the Rainbow", "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love", "Tonight" from West Side Story, and many other hits from famous musicals will resound in the Lublin Philharmonic. Edyta Krzemień and Damian Aleksander will perform.

Learn more at facebook.com

#LublinTravel 2019 | post-contest photography exhibition
Lublin Tourist and Cultural Information Centre
January 2020

The exhibition presents 20 out of 104 photos submitted to the Competition, taken in the year of 450th anniversary of the Lublin Union.

Learn more at lublintravel.pl

Henryk Waniek – Squaring the circle | exhibition
Wirydarz Art Gallery
January 2020

Paintings from the last period of creativity of Henryk Waniek, a Silesian surrealist painter, in the Wirydarz Art Gallery in Lublin.

Learn more at wirydarz.com.pl

Sainer "Modulations" | exhibition
Brain Damage Gallery
January 2020

For the first time in Poland, indivitual exhibition of Sainer, a skilled muralist, painters, and artists, will be prestented in the Brain Damage Gallery. Przemysław "Sainer" Blejzyk, is an author of a famous "Primavera" mural in Łódź, among others. In his works, the artist focuses mostly on human forms.

Learn more at bd.pl

Mirosław Bałka – 30/5780
Labyrinth 2 Gallery

January 2020

Labyrinth Gallery invites to the exhibition of works by Mirosław Bałka, a sculptor, draftsman, and creator of the experimental film.

Learn more at labirynt.com

Roztoczański National Park in the photographers' eyes | exhibition
January 2020

Photographs presenting the natural treasures of Roztocze are presented on the fence of Radio Lublin office at Obrońców Pokoju street. The exhibition is on display until the beginning of March.

Learn more at roztoczanskipn.pl

Graphic 2019 | exhibition
MDK „Pod Akacją”
January 2020

An exhibition concluding the "Graphic 2019" National Art Competition.

Learn more at mdk.lublin.pl

The Secret Performance | exhibition
Labyrinth Gallery
January 2020

Ten years after the death of Mikołaj Smoczyński, an artist strongly connected with the Labyrinth Gallery, his photographs will be displayed. The exhibition will be available until the end of January.

Learn more at labirynt.com

Kolekcja Mistrzów Krzysztofa Musiała. Przeciwne kierunki | exhibition
Muzeum KUL
January 2020

Contemporary art in the Museum of the Catholic University of Lublin. The exhibition presenting the works of Mirosław Bałka, Wojciech Fangor, or Maria Jarema, among others, will be on display until the 3 of April 2020.

Learn more at muzeum.kul.pl

NEONart | exhibition
Centre for the Meeting of Cultures

January 2020

How the best Polish artists see Lublin? We will find out at this exceptional exhibition in the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures, where neons created for our city will be presented.

Learn more at facebook.com

Visits in the Photography Studio
Workshops of Culture
January 2020

How did the photos use to be made? What were the available types of cameras? How did the darkroom look like? The answers for these questions we will find visiting the Photography Studio in Zaułek Hartwigów. Visits are possible on every Thursday and Friday. Online registration is required.

Learn more at warsztatykultury.pl

Miasto movie
Workshops of Culture
January 2020

All the cinema lovers will be happy to hear about January propositions of Miasto Movie cycle.

Learn more at warsztatykultury.pl

Concerts | Polish Radio Lublin
January 2020

Listen to Radio Lublin and win the tickets for Friday Concerts. A different artist every week.

Learn more at radio.lublin.pl

Henryk Wieniawski's Lublin Philharmonic
January 2020

January repertoire of the Lublin Philharmonic will surely catch the attention of all the music lovers. This month we can expect, for example, a symphonic concert of an outstanding violinist Piotr Pławner.

Learn more at filharmonialubelska.pl

Centre for the Meeting of Cultures
January 2020

January in the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures seems promising. The program includes interesting movie screenings, concerts, exhibitions, and plenty of other attractions.

Learn more at spotkaniakultur.com

H. Ch. Andersen Theatre in Lublin
January 2019

Enchanted world of tales and fables in the H. Ch. Andersen Theatre in Lublin. In January we'll see plays for children and adults.

Learn more at teatrandersena.pl

Musical Theatre in Lublin
January 2020

As always the Musical Theatre in Lublin can be proud of its rich repertoire. The fans of operettas surely can't miss the legendary "Gypsy Baron". There will also be a concert of the greatest festival hits "From Opole to San Remo". The youngest ones will see "Puss in Boots" and other plays.

Learn more at teatrmuzyczny.eu

The Old Theatre in Lublin
January 2020

The repertoire of the Old theatre is full of movie screenings, concerts, meetings, and plays.

Learn more at teatrstary.eu

Centre for Culture in Lublin
January 2020

January days in the Centre for Culture seem promising. In the program we can expect, among others, a musical play "A recipe for Leonard Cohen" or a "Jerzy Małek Black Sheep" concert.

Learn more at ck.lublin.pl

Juliusz Osterwy Theatre in Lublin
January 2020

Among the January propositions of the Theatre we can find plays such as "A Streetcar named Desire". There's a lot to choose from!

Learn more at teatrosterwy.pl

Visit Lublin with the Guides of Inspiration

Discover Lublin with help of 23 unique tourist offers, some of them also available in foreign languages. The unconventional trails include: The original Lublin free walking tour, The trail of Lublin Jews, The riddles of Lublin townswoman, Pay attention to the detail, and many others. You can check them all on www.przewodnik.lublin.eu and make a reservation online. Have some inspiring memories from Lublin!

Learn more at przewodnik.lublin.eu

Lubartowska 77

Lubartowska 77 is a creative space, brought to live by passionate people, located in a building with captivating history and interesting, industrial architecture. Eco shop is open every day, and on Saturdays Eco Fair takes place. And there's much more to offer!

Learn more at lubartowska77.pl

Sightseeing for connoisseurs

"Via Jagiellonica" Foundation invites to discover Lublin together. The main theme of the walks is "The Seym of Lublin: the Castle and the City". Visiting the Museum of the Union of Lublin Seym "Sejmograf 1569+" in program.

Learn more at zachod-wschod.pl

Lublin Tourist Card

Are you planning to visit Lublin in December? Use Lublin Tourist Card and visit Lublin better, easier, cheaper.

Learn more at lublincard.eu