
  • Lubelskie w styczniu 2025 | Sprawdź, co się wydarzy!

    Published: 01/01/2025

    Jak rozpocząć Nowy Rok? Mamy dla Ciebie wiele propozycji. Sprawdź co wydarzy się w styczniu w województwie lubelskim i wybierz coś dla siebie. Przed Tobą wspaniałe koncerty noworoczne, wystawy i inne atrakcje. Nie zwalniamy tempa i przytupem ruszamy w 2025 rok!

  • Christmas greetings

    Published: 24/12/2024

    On behalf of the Board and all the staff of the Lublin Regional Tourist Organisation, we would like to extend our warmest wishes for the upcoming Christmas season. May it be a time of reflection, peace, and mutual goodwill. We also wish you good health, prosperity, and many unforgettable moments in ...

  • Lubelskie zaprasza na jarmarki świąteczne 2024

    Published: 01/12/2024

    Wkraczamy w magiczny czas oczekiwania na Święta Bożego Narodzenia. W wyjątkowy nastrój już teraz wprowadzą Cię tradycyjne jarmarki świąteczne, pełne regionalnych produktów, ozdób i smakołyków. Specjalnie dla Ciebie przygotowaliśmy kalendarz z informacją o ponad 20 jarmarkach, które ...

The largest synagogue in Lublin stood at the foot of the north side of the Castle Hill, where the Tysiąclecia Avenue currently runs. The Maharshal Synagogue, also known as the Great Synagogue, was built in 1567. It was named after rabbi Szlomo Luria, nicknamed Maharshal-Szul. Soon another, smaller Maharam synagogue and the little synagogue Szywe Kryjem were added to it. In total, over 3000 of people could pray here at once.

The temple was rebuilt several times, for the first time after 1655, when it was seriously damaged as a result of the Cossack-Moscow raid. In the years 1855-1862, the synagogue building was rebuilt after prior collapsing.

The synagogue complex was located at the now non-existing Jateczna Street and was demolished by the Germans in 1942, after the liquidation of the ghetto.

The place is commemorated by an obelisk with a metal relief depicting the Great Synagogue, as well as a memorial plaque informing about the Heritage Trail of the Lublin Jews.