Tourist attractions

ul. Rynek 120-111 Lublin +48 81 534 65 ...

Al. Racławickie 1420-950 Lublin tel. 81 445 40 ...

The Museum of Housing Estates was created in 2018 in the Lublin estate LSM (Lublin Housing Cooperative), designed by the architects Zofia and Oskar Hansen. The institution fits in the character of the neighbourhood, for it's located in one of the pavilions by the working market at Wileńska street, a place deeply rooted in consciousness of the inhabitants of the estate and the city. It is them who supply the museum with exhibits and stories. Prior reservation required     ul. Wileńska 2120-603 Lublin tel. +48 607 094   ...

ul. Radziszewskiego 1120-031 Lublintel. +48 81 537 58 ...

The Grodzka Gate in Lublin was also known as the Jewish Gate - it was the conventional border between the Christian city within the walls and the Jewish district. Today it houses the permanent exhibition “Lublin. Memory of the Place”, devoted to the history of the pre-war city and its inhabitants. ...

ul. Rynek 820-111 Lublin ...

ul. Bernardyńska 1520-950 Lublin+48 669 611 ...

Cebularz is a well known snack from the Lublin region. It originates from Jewish cuisine. Wheat cake with onion seasoned with poppy seeds - delicious! During the visit in the Regional Museum of Cebularz the guests will learn about it's history and recipe, as well as about Lublin itself. ...

"On its tower a tin cock fluttered, another - bore a clock that hummed a tune" - this is the beginning of A poem about Lublin by Józef Czechowicz. According to the legend, said tin cock, standing on the top of the Trinitarian Tower, used to warn the citizens about upcoming danger. Today it allegedly crows when a chaste maiden walks through the gate in the tower... ...