
Przylegający do Bazyliki klasztor, powstawał etapami do XVIII wieku. Jak głosi tradycja, w klasztornym refektarzu podpisano akt Unii Lubelskiej w 1569 r. Podczas zakończonego w 2012 r. remontu w północnym skrzydle klasztoru utworzono ekspozycję, w której zgromadzono przedmioty związane z zakonem. Najcenniejsze eksponaty można podziwiać w klasztornym skarbcu. Wystawa prezentuje kolekcję zabytkowych ksiąg, szat liturgicznych i wyrobów złotniczych. ul. Złota 920-112 Lublin tel. 81 532 89 ...

fot. Piotr Maciuk The classicist manor located in Kalinowszczyzna is a biographical museum of Wincenty Pol. The building, moved to this place in the 1960s, once belonged to the Pol family. Inside one can admire an exhibition devoted to the person of the famous poet and geographer. among the items collected in the museum there is also a collection of unique globes. The Wincenty Pol Manor House,The Literary Museum, section of the National Museum in Lublinul. Kalinowszczyzna 1320-129 Lublintel. +48 81 747 24 ...

Grodzka Gate was also known as the Jewish Gate, because it served as a contractual border between the Christian city within the walls, and the Jewish district. Today inside of the gate one can see an exhibition "Lublin. Memory of the place", devoted to the history of pre-war city and it's inhabitants.   ul. Grodzka 2120-112 Lublintel. +48 81 532 58 ...

pl. Łokietka 320-109 Lublintel. +48 81 532 60 ...

The museum commemorates and promotes the life and works of popular Lublin writers and poets, including Konrad Bielski, Józef Łobodowski, Kazimierz Andrzej Jaworski, Antoni Madej and many others. The most famous one was Józef Czechowicz (1903-1939), considered to be one of the greatest polish poets of the XX century. His poems present the magical atmosphere and beauty of the pre-war city. The seat of the museum is a tenement house previously owned by Sergiusz Jan Riabinin (1872-1942), a historian, archivist, and author of valuable works on the history of the city. ul. Złota 320-112 Lu ...

The Museum of Martyrdom "Pod Zegarem" is located in the cells of the former Gestapo arrest. The exhibition presents the profiles of prisoners, both during their detention as well as their subsequent fate. Admission to the museum is free. ul. Uniwersytecka 120-029 Lublintel. +48 887 750   ...

The Lublin castle is the seat of the National Museum in Lublin (formerly the Lublin Museum), whose collections are housed in several departments, including archaeological, numismatic, military and ethnographic. The painting gallery exhibits the famous "Union of Lublin" painting by Jan Matejko, as well as valuable canvases by Polish and foreign artists. Since 2023, the collection of the National Museum in Lublin has also included works by Tamara Łempicka presented in the exhibition "Tamara Łempicka. Beyond Borders'. Among the buildings included in the castle complex is also the Romanesque de ...

While walking around the picturesque Open Air Village Museum it's hard to resist the impression of travelling back in time. One can find here meticulously restored village huts, wooden Christian and Orthodox churches, or a windmill. The Museum is divided into seven regional parts: Lublin Upland, Roztocze, Powiśle, Podlasie and Polesie Lubelskie, Nadbuże, as well as mansion area and small town. ...

The German concentration camp operated from October 1941 to July 1944. The prisoners came from about 30 countries. On the site of the former camp, the State Museum at Majdanek was established with the purpose to nurture the memory of the victims of the German occupation in the Lublin region during World War II. Visiting the area and using the services of the Visitor Service Center (guides, publishing houses) is possible all year round - in winter only until dusk - except on Mondays, public and religious holidays. ...

Museum commemorates and promotes the life and works of popular Lublin writers – Konrad Bielski, Józef Łobodowski, Kazimierz Andrzej Jaworski, Antoni Madej and Józef Czechowicz (1903-1939) – considered to be one of the greatest polish poets of the 20th century. ul. Złota 320-112 LublinTel. +48 81 532 30 Offer available with the Tourist Card. ...