
While walking around the picturesque Open Air Village Museum it's hard to resist the impression of travelling back in time. One can find here meticulously restored village huts, wooden Christian and Orthodox churches, or a windmill. The Museum is divided into seven regional parts: Lublin Upland, Roztocze, Powiśle, Podlasie and Polesie Lubelskie, Nadbuże, as well as mansion area and small town. al. Warszawska 9620-824 Lublin +48 81 533 85 13 +48 81 533 31   Offer available with the Tourist Card. ...

The Museum of Martyrdom "Pod Zegarem" is located in the cells of the former Gestapo arrest. The exhibition presents the profiles of prisoners, both during their detention as well as their subsequent fate. Admission to the museum is free. Opening hours:Tue. - Sat.: 9.00 - 16.00  ul. Uniwersytecka 120-029 Lublintel. +48 887 750 ...

In the museum situated in the Metropolitan Seminary in Lublin one can see the incunables, old prints, and examples of the sacral art being in the posession of the seminary. Admission to the museum is free. Opening hours:Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.: 9.00 - 15.00Wed.: 11.00 - 17.00  ul. Prymasa Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego 620-950 Lublin ...