Lublin zaprasza na Walentynki 2025
- 2025-02-03
- 2025-02-17
LUBLIN: Celebrujcie miłość podczas wyjątkowego wieczoru w SPA Orkana. Walentynkowa Noc Saunowa (7.02.2025) zapewni niezapomniane przeżycia. Romantyczny walentynkowy wieczór przy klimatycznej kolacji zagwarantuje Restauracja Zielony Talerzyk (14 lutego). Muzyka zabierze Was w magiczną p ...
Lubelskie w lutym 2025 | Sprawdź, co się wydarzy!
- 2025-02-01
- 2025-02-28
Zima w województwie lubelskim ma swój niepowtarzalny urok, a luty to doskonały czas, aby tu przyjechać. Niezależnie od tego, czy szukasz kulturalnych doznań, rodzinnych atrakcji, czy zimowych plenerowych przygód – w naszym regionie każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Sprawdź, co się wydarzy ...
Turystyczne kolędowanie w LOITiK
- 2025-01-31
- 2025-01-31
Lubelska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna wraz ze Stowarzyszeniem Klepisko zaprasza na turystyczne kolędowanie w LOITiK! Wraz z muzykami z Kapeli Drewutnia będziemy grać, śpiewać, radować się. Zabrzmią kolędy znane i nieznane, pastorałki, szczodraki. Chętne serca, mocne głosy, a nawet ...
Art Galleries in Lublin
Welcome to Lublin, a place where apart from sightseeing and unique monuments, as well as participating in amazing events, you will find many other possibilities of experiencing art. Paintings, sculptures, photography, posters, graffiti - everything from classic to contemporary. We have some propositions for you. Here they are:
Grodzka Gate NN Theatre - "Lublin. Memory of the place."
Grodzka Gate was also known as the Jewish Gate, because it served as a contractual border between the Christian city within the walls, and the Jewish district. Today inside of the gate one can see an exhibition "Lublin. Memory of the place", devoted to the history of pre-war city and it's inhabitants.
ul. Grodzka 21
20-112 Lublin
tel. +48 81 532 58 67
IV Fantastyczny Festiwal Wyobraźni StarFest
- 2025-10-17
- 2025-10-19
Punkt obowiązkowy w kalendarzu wszystkich miłośników fantastyki. Trzy dni pełne magii, technologii i popkulturowych wrażeń czekają na Ciebie na Targach Lublin! Spotkania z gwiazdami, emocjonujący konkurs cosplay, Games Room z grami przez całą dobę, nocne pokazy filmowe i inspirujące warsztaty to tylko część atrakcji. Odkryj strefę artystów, unikalne wystawy i doświadcz niezapomnianych chwil w świecie, gdzie granica między rzeczywistością a fantazją zanika! Zapowiada się FANTASTYcznie!
Lublin Fair - Lubartowska 77
- 2022-01-01
- 2022-12-31
The Lublin Fair takes place every Saturday from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM at 77 Lubartowska Street in Lublin. It’s a place filled with unique products and flavours that perfectly capture the character of the Lublin region and its rich traditions.
At the market, you can find fresh, organic food products from local producers, such as bread, cheese, honey, and cured meats. The offerings also include handmade gifts and traditional preserves, which make excellent souvenirs from your visit to the region. It’s worth noting that food can also be a keepsake—flavors and aromas can evoke memories of places visited and moments experienced. You can take home not only products but also a piece of the Lublin region, encapsulated in unique regional gift packages.
Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin
The Former Academy of Sages of Lublin (Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin) in 85 Lubartowska Street on the corner of Unicka Street. This formidable edifice, erected in 1930, was financed from contributions of Jewish communities from all over the world. The academy revived the traditions of Talmudic studies which flourished in Lublin in the Old Polish period.
Yeshiva had a vast library with Hebrew publications from the 16th and the 17th c. The best preserved part of the interior is the lecture hall, which once served as a prayer room. After World War II the building was given to the Medical Academy but returned to the Jewish community a few years ago. Presently the Yeshiva is used by members of the Jewish Community in Warsaw – the Branch in Lublin (tel. 81 747 09 92), who plan to open a hotel and a kosher restaurant catering mostly for Jewish tourists visiting Lublin. Inside there is also a remembrance chamber dedicated to the memory of the Lublin Jews (open every day apart from the Sabbath, which begins at nightfall on Friday and lasts until nightfall on Saturday).
Juwenalia Politechniki Lubelskiej
- 2025-05-09
- 2025-05-10
Nadchodzą Juwenalia Politechniki Lubelskiej! Dołącz do nas 9 i 10 maja na Terenach Zielonych Politechniki Lubelskiej i weź udział w 29. edycji tego wyjątkowego wydarzenia! Nie przegap tej imprezy pełnej emocji i niezapomnianych chwil!
Holy Trinity Chapel
The Holy Trinity Chapel, located on the Castle Hill, is a unique example of combining Gothic architecture with Ruthenian-Byzantine frescoes. It is one of the most valuable monuments of medieval art in Poland and Europe.
Conference Venues Catalogue - Lublin & Region Convention Bureau
The Lublin Convention Bureau (branch of the Lublin Regional Tourist Organisation) is a unit that integrates institutional, scientific and business partners in joint activities for the effective acquisition of events in the Lublin Province. We are a neutral partner for organizers of business events in the Lublin Voivodeship: conferences, congresses, fairs, and alike. We have a constantly updated conference and hotel base in the region. We act as an integrator, promoter and spokesman of the Lublin meetings industry towards external event organizers. Our mission is to increase the number of events in the region.
Below we present the Conference Venues Catalogue from the Lublin Voivodeship, where you can find information about conference equipment, available conference rooms of the largest conference facilities and hotels in our region. The catalog will be constantly updated and supplemented.
Contact us:
Lublin&Region Convention Bureau
Krakowskie Przedmieście 6
20-002 Lublin
Tel. +48 81 532 14 48
Klejnot dla Ewy | Targi Biżuterii i Upominków
- 2025-03-15
- 2025-03-16
Zjawiskowa biżuteria, oryginalne wzornictwo, porcelanowe cacuszka, produkty firm kosmetycznych i zielarskich. Na tych wyjątkowych Targach każda z Pań z pewnością znajdzie coś dla siebie.
Church and monastery complex of the Dominican Order
One of the most important monuments of Lublin is the church and monastery of the Dominican Order. The Dominicans arrived in Lublin in the 1230s. In 1342, after the Tatar invasion, King Casimir the Great ordered building a Gothic,single-nave, brick church in place of the previous, wooden one. It was named as the church of St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr.
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