

Lublin Regional Tourist Organization has begun functioning unde a new address, at Krakowskie Przedmieście 6 in Lublin.   Lublin Tourist and Cultural Information Centre is located at the ground floor of the building, while the space on the first floor is occupied by the offices and conference rooms. The Tourist Information gained new arrangement, available also for the tourists with disabilities. ...


When the weather is not particularny good or you just can't come to us yet - discover the Lublin Region virtually. Walks, panoramic views, and online guides will make you feel as if you were actually there. We present you 25 places in the Lublin Region that you can visit without leaving your chair. ...


The final date and form of the event will depend on the epidemic situation in the country and the Organizers' decision. The route of the Tour de Pologne will once again lead through the Lublin region! One of the most crucial road bicycle racing stage race in the prestigeous UCI World Tour Cycle will visit Lublin, Chełm, Zamość, Janów Lubelski, and Roztocze. ...


Mamy to! Znamy wyniki Konkursu #LublinTravel 2020! 108 zdjęć wzięło udział w czwartej edycji konkursu fotograficznego #LublinTravel 2020, organizowanego przez Lubelską Regionalną Organizację Turystyczną. Kreatywność, z jaką Uczestnicy spojrzeli na architekturę Lublina sprawiła, że wybór trzech pierwszych miejsc był dużym wyzwaniem.  ...


Dear Tourists and Clients, this is our last photo together at 1/3 Jezuicka Street in Lublin, where for the last 10 years we have been successfully working for tourists and the development of tourism in the City and Province of Lublin. We have to say goodbye to this place, because the City of Lublin has terminated our lease, but we are not saying goodbye to you! ...


Ferie zimowe w Lubelskim to dwa tygodnie zabawy pobudzającej kreatywność - gry terenowe oraz interesujące zajęcia i warsztaty online. Dzięki nim dzieci i młodzież zdobędą nowe umiejętności i poznają ciekawostki dotyczące regionu. Sprawdź i wybierz coś dla siebie! ...

Over 100 photos were sent for the 4th edition of the #LublinTravel photo competition. A difficult task is now ahead of the jury. We can't wait for the next year exhibition vernissage in the Lublin Tourist and Cultural Information Centre. We'll keep you posted. Despite the fact that the competition is already closed, we still encourage you to share your photos from the Lublin region in the facebook group Lubelskie Travel. Let's choose #DestinationLubelskie together!   photo: Katarzyna Gromada ...


Take part in the IV edition of the #LublinTravel photo competition. The main theme of this year's contest is architecture. Lublin is one of the oldest Polish cities with well-preserved monuments and numerous traits proving it's location at the junction of Eastern and Western cultures. You will find here examples of romanesque architecture as well as modern buildings. Temples representing the Lublin Renaissance style and beautifully decorated tenement houses catch attention at the picturesque Old Town. ...

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Autumnal deficite of shape? There's a dose of positive energy waiting for you in the Lublin Region. Theatre Confrontations, Lublin Blues Session, and Circulations in Lublin, National Puppeteers Meetings in Chełm, and many other interesting events that will take place in October. Check out the list of over one hundreds propositions. Don't forget about the long walks in the nature and beautiful towns and cities. Golden Polish Autum has it's charm! Choose #DestinationLubelskie! ...